Our family traveled Thursday evening to the Mock Trial regional competition. We decided to stay overnight in a hotel close to the courthouse so we didn't have to get up early and travel roads that may be snow covered. We took Jacob out to eat to celebrate his birthday that evening before going back to the hotel.
No one slept very well in the hotel - strange beds and strange sounds. The heater clicked on approximately every 5 minutes for about 20 seconds and there was a train not far from the hotel.
Friday morning we met the rest of the team at the courthouse. The plaintiff side of Amira's team competed in the morning and the defendant side in the afternoon. The local Bar Association provided a pizza and pop lunch for the competitors. None of the members of her team won any of the awards and their team will not be going on to the state competition. The other homeschool team did win a few awards and will be moving on to the next level.
Amira was very excited for her friends that will be moving on but was rather glad to be finished herself.
We made it back home before the worst of the snow hit on Friday night.
Swimming Lesson Time
4 years ago