We now own a flock of 11 chickens. We bought 6 Buff Orpinton hens and 1 Araucana hen to start our flock. (The Araucana was chosen by Alexander as "his" chicken since he had never been allowed to own a pet/animal before.) A few weeks later we ordered 3 Buff Orpington hens and 1 Buff Orpington rooster to add to our flock. Our friend went in with us on the second order since neither she nor I wanted to order enough to brood them separately.
After a few weeks, we discovered that our Buff Orpington hens in the new order didn't look at all like they were supposed to. After doing a little research we discovered that we had been given Golden Comets instead. My friend has a large family with many small children and she really wanted the Golden Comets so she and I agreed that I would take 3 Australorps from her flock and my rooster and she would keep the Golden Comets.
It's been a few more weeks now and we have discovered that one of her original Araucana hens is actually a rooster and my Buff Orpington rooster is a hen. After some more discussion between my friend and I we have decided to trade chickens once again! One of her Australorps will be returning to her home and her Buff Orpington rooster will be joining our little hen.
The original plan had been to end up with 9 Buff Orpington hens, 1 Araucana hen, and 1 Buff Orpington rooster. What we will actually end up with is 7 Buff Orpington hens, 1 Araucana hen, 2 Autralorp hens and 1 Buff Orpington rooster.
All of that so we can have a self-perpetuating flock of egg-laying chickens.