Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BFS #123 - ABC’s of Praise

Introduction: This is a steal, literally, because I found it on Facebook and decided to use it this week. This is an expression of Praises to God- using the ABC’s. I thought this would be a good way to be able to Praise God and use every letter of the alphabet!

Assignment: Try to think of one thing you can say to the glory of God- one thing to thank Him for, a positive thing you can say about Him, or one of His Names-using each letter of the alphabet. You are allowed to make up words- if you can justify them by making it clear what you mean- and you may also use any foreign language (but please explain what it means) - and you can also use a thesaurus or dictionary if you get stumped. I’m putting my list below so you’ll have to copy and paste this then remove my answers. It’s a bit of a challenge but I think you’ll enjoy it. Have fun with it!

A - Awesome

B - Blessing

C -Creator

D - Deliverer

E - Emmanuel

F - Father

G - Glorious

H - Holy

I - Indescribable

J - Just

K - King of Kings

L - Lord of Lords

M - Mighty God

N - None other like Him

O - Omnipotent, Omnipresent

P - Prince of Peace

Q - Quenches my thirst

R - Redeemer

S - Savior

T - Trustworthy

U - Unending

V - Victorious

W - Wonderful

X - EXcellent

Y - Yoke - His yoke is easy and His burden is light

Z - Zion's King


  1. Oh the Yoke is a good one! I hadn't thought of that one. Nice list. Have a great day.

  2. We must be great minds thinking alike, because we have lots in common! Good job on the Z!

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Unending...that's a nice word to use. Thank you for sharing all those with us. Have a great week!

    Mrs. Nancy
