Monday, August 31, 2009

What are the things that spell H-O-M-E to you?

Mrs. Anna at Domestic Felicity blogged on this topic this morning and I was inspired to do the same.

To me it's the clink of dishes as our family shares a meal together

waking up to Bibles piled on the table from our family reading time

the sound of chatting, laughing children working together in the kitchen or barn

sitting around the table to play a board game and just enjoy one another

curling up in my favorite chair with the puppy or a cat snuggled in beside me while I crochet

stretching out on the couch with a good book

sharing a late night bowl of ice cream with my daughter when she comes home from babysitting a friend's children

the shouts of my son as he and his daddy get too "into" their game

watching the first flowers of spring opening in the yard

the sound of the puppy barking at the cat who is too regal to stoop to playing with a dog!

folding warm towels that have just been pulled from the dryer

math books, science experiments, and pencils strewn around the entire house

ragtime, or My Favorite Things played on the piano

Simply being with and enjoying each and every member of my family and making memories together.

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