Thursday, September 10, 2009

Autumn Arriving

The morning air has a crispness to it and the afternoon sun isn't oppressive. Autumn is arriving!This is my favorite season, followed by spring, then winter, and finally summer.

I love going to football games, snuggling under blankets, eating chili and cornbread. I love to watch the leaves on the trees that surround us here in Appalachia become brilliant with color. At their peak we are surrounded by a rainbow of color. I enjoy the crisp morning air and the crunch of leaves under my feet. I enjoy scrubbing the house and getting ready to "hibernate" for the winter, sitting around a fire ring and chatting while the children burn up a whole bag of marshmallows, curling up in my favorite chair with an afghan to crochet or a good book to read.

Autumn also means back-to-school and new books to read and discuss together. Lesson plans to write, compositions to read, and math papers to grade. Time to watch my children as they learn and make connections with their world and everyone and everything in it. Time to listen as they excitedly relate what is going on their favorite book. Time to discuss with them and hear their thoughts on what is going on in our home and in our world. Time to hear their ideas and plans for the future. Time to dream with them and be silly with them.

Autumn will come again next year but this time with my children is something that can never be replaced or done over again. My wish and prayer for every homeschooler, every parent, is that this autumn will be spent enjoying your children for you will never have another opportunity to spend this day with them.

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