Thursday, October 22, 2009


We are now approved to adopt! We got our approval on the 13th and we are so very excited.

We are praying about the possibility of a sibling group right now.

Homeschool Curriculum

For the 2009-2010 school year we are using:

Summary of Christian Doctrine - Bible study
God and Government - Government
Moby Dick
To Kill a Mockingbird
Uncle Tom's Cabin
House Building - Life Skills - we are going to be building our own house and the children will be helping.

CompTIA A+ Exam Prep
Apologia Physics
Saxon Algebra 2

The children are also involved in 4-H and Mock Trial. They normally do piano lessons as well but our teacher recently moved away in order to get a job and we haven't found a new one yet. We'll probably wait until after we finish building the house since we will be rather busy and the new house is in a different area.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

U.S. Students Flunk U.S. Citizenship Test

This is so sad. I find it mind boggling that these students had no idea that our first president was George Washington. I remember learning about Washington and Lincoln in second grade! What exactly is being taught in "Social Studies" classes across this country if high school student don't even know this basic information? The questions that were asked in this study are from the test that immigrants must take in order to obtain citizenship and children who have lived their entire lives here can't answer the questions. And, public schools want more money??? Just one more reason to homeschool your children.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fast of Gedaliah

Rosh Hashanah is over and we have enjoyed our feasting. Today is the Fast of Gedaliah.

"Tishrei 3rd is a fast day mourning the assassination of the Jewish royal Gedaliah ben Achikam, governor of the Land of Israel for a short period following the destruction of the First Temple. Gedaliah's killing spelled the end of the small remnant of a Jewish community that remained in the Holy Land after the destruction, which fled to Egypt. (According to many opinions, the assassination of Gedaliah actually occurred on Rosh Hashanah, but the commemoration of the event is postponed to the day after the festival)."

Today we fast from sunrise to sunset to mourn the end of Jewish occupation of the Holy Land even though there are once again Jews living in the Holy Land.

This is our history. The history of our family. I want my children to be a part of this. To take hold of that history as their own. To be proud of it and of who they are. I want them to feel a part of the community. Of this family that stretches around the globe and comes in all colors, shapes and sizes. I want them to be grounded in the past as they step forward into their futures.

So, today we fast.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I got a call yesterday that we were licensed for foster care and we received our license in the mail today. We are so excited to be able to serve the Lord in this way! We do hope to adopt at some point in time but plan to continue doing foster care even after we adopt.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Autumn Arriving

The morning air has a crispness to it and the afternoon sun isn't oppressive. Autumn is arriving!This is my favorite season, followed by spring, then winter, and finally summer.

I love going to football games, snuggling under blankets, eating chili and cornbread. I love to watch the leaves on the trees that surround us here in Appalachia become brilliant with color. At their peak we are surrounded by a rainbow of color. I enjoy the crisp morning air and the crunch of leaves under my feet. I enjoy scrubbing the house and getting ready to "hibernate" for the winter, sitting around a fire ring and chatting while the children burn up a whole bag of marshmallows, curling up in my favorite chair with an afghan to crochet or a good book to read.

Autumn also means back-to-school and new books to read and discuss together. Lesson plans to write, compositions to read, and math papers to grade. Time to watch my children as they learn and make connections with their world and everyone and everything in it. Time to listen as they excitedly relate what is going on their favorite book. Time to discuss with them and hear their thoughts on what is going on in our home and in our world. Time to hear their ideas and plans for the future. Time to dream with them and be silly with them.

Autumn will come again next year but this time with my children is something that can never be replaced or done over again. My wish and prayer for every homeschooler, every parent, is that this autumn will be spent enjoying your children for you will never have another opportunity to spend this day with them.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Year

We actually started our school year early this year since we are planning to start building a new house this fall.

The children do most of their schoolwork together since they are close together in age. This year we are covering the following:
American Government
American Literature
Christian Doctrine
Algebra 2

I like having the children work together at this age so that they can discuss their work with one another. It's difficult to discuss a literary selections if Mom is the only one with whom you can discuss it.

When we started homeschooling the children did almost everything together. That caused a lot of competition and hard feelings between the two for a while. So, we separated them and had each of them working on completely different things. Now, that they are older there isn't that same competition and they enjoy talking about books (as well as other things) together. We wanted them to have the opportunity to do as much as possible together before they are grown up and on their own. We hope they are building memories and a closeness with one another that will last them the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

What are the things that spell H-O-M-E to you?

Mrs. Anna at Domestic Felicity blogged on this topic this morning and I was inspired to do the same.

To me it's the clink of dishes as our family shares a meal together

waking up to Bibles piled on the table from our family reading time

the sound of chatting, laughing children working together in the kitchen or barn

sitting around the table to play a board game and just enjoy one another

curling up in my favorite chair with the puppy or a cat snuggled in beside me while I crochet

stretching out on the couch with a good book

sharing a late night bowl of ice cream with my daughter when she comes home from babysitting a friend's children

the shouts of my son as he and his daddy get too "into" their game

watching the first flowers of spring opening in the yard

the sound of the puppy barking at the cat who is too regal to stoop to playing with a dog!

folding warm towels that have just been pulled from the dryer

math books, science experiments, and pencils strewn around the entire house

ragtime, or My Favorite Things played on the piano

Simply being with and enjoying each and every member of my family and making memories together.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Getting "Ahead"

 In School:
We have started doing a 6-day week in our homeschool in the hopes that we won't be so far "behind" once we have finished building our house. The children will, hopefully, be able to help with the construction but we will lose two days a week of school time during construction. (Due to Daniel's schedule we take one weekday off school each week as that is his only day off each week.) We started school earlier than normal this year to give us a little leeway as well. But, I am one of those people who hates to feel "behind". "Behind" being relative to where I want to be at a given time during the school year.

In Our House:
Daniel called from work today and wanted me to call the 911 office and see if they could give me an address for the lot we are buying in a subdivision that doesn't exist yet so we can call around and get home owner's insurance estimates. The insurance companies can't give me a quote without an address and we can't get an address until there's a street. So, I spent 15 minutes on the phone with a very helpful gentleman who couldn't tell me anything.

Why do we feel the need to be "ahead" of the game? Why are we not content to wait patiently on the Lord's timing? We believe we are following His leading in each of these areas so why is it that we don't put all our trust in Him, knowing that He works everything for our good?  This is one of the biggest things with which I struggle in my life. I feel that I need to try to take control but, if I stop and think about it, if I was in control the outcome wouldn't be nearly as good as what God has planned for me!

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ” (Philippians 4:6 & 7).

In the Peace of God:
"Be careful for nothing" - it's been a long time since I could say I was careful for nothing. But, I love what is says in verse 7 - "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,". Isn't that beautiful? I remember that peace. It's the peace that we experienced when we were traveling to Mexico to get a tubal reversal. We felt His peace and His presence throughout that entire trip! It was completely awe-inspiring.

If I am following where He leads then I can be "careful for nothing" and rest in "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding."

My goal for today is to stop trying to get ahead of God and simply trust in Him and rest in His peace.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

BFS #124 - The Easy Button

Memory Verse - Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
2 Chronicles 7:14-16

Introduction - I thought that I would hit the “easy button” this week and not only make the assignment light, but also give us a chance to get to know each other better through prayer.

Assignment - This week I would like you to post any prayer requests you have. What is going on in your life that you need prayer warriors for? Feel free to post an unspoken request if you feel it is too personal. Then if you would just take the time to visit as many other BFS buddies as possible, pray for them and then leave them a little note letting them know that you have prayed or will be praying.

My Prayer Request:

Our family is being led by the Lord to start the process to become foster/adoptive parents in our county. He has been, very slowly, moving our family in this direction for years - I had said I would never do foster care because I would get too attached! I would like to ask everyone to pray for wisdom and guidance for us as we make decisions and to pray that everything from the application through the home study will go smoothly. Our hope and prayer is that we will be finished and licensed/certified by the end of October.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BFS #123 - ABC’s of Praise

Introduction: This is a steal, literally, because I found it on Facebook and decided to use it this week. This is an expression of Praises to God- using the ABC’s. I thought this would be a good way to be able to Praise God and use every letter of the alphabet!

Assignment: Try to think of one thing you can say to the glory of God- one thing to thank Him for, a positive thing you can say about Him, or one of His Names-using each letter of the alphabet. You are allowed to make up words- if you can justify them by making it clear what you mean- and you may also use any foreign language (but please explain what it means) - and you can also use a thesaurus or dictionary if you get stumped. I’m putting my list below so you’ll have to copy and paste this then remove my answers. It’s a bit of a challenge but I think you’ll enjoy it. Have fun with it!

A - Awesome

B - Blessing

C -Creator

D - Deliverer

E - Emmanuel

F - Father

G - Glorious

H - Holy

I - Indescribable

J - Just

K - King of Kings

L - Lord of Lords

M - Mighty God

N - None other like Him

O - Omnipotent, Omnipresent

P - Prince of Peace

Q - Quenches my thirst

R - Redeemer

S - Savior

T - Trustworthy

U - Unending

V - Victorious

W - Wonderful

X - EXcellent

Y - Yoke - His yoke is easy and His burden is light

Z - Zion's King

Friday, February 27, 2009

BFS #122 - Say It With Flowers!(FTD)

Memory Verse - II Corinthians 4:18 - While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Introduction - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; isn’t that what we’ve always been told. I find beauty in many things and in most people. There’s beauty in a flower, according to FTD as well, there’s beauty in trees, animals, people, and I’d have to say, as I’m sure that most people agree that there’s beauty in watching a child grow.

Assignment - Look around your space, look into your heart and share the beauty you see or feel with the rest of us.


I enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

My daughter found this frog/tadpole on a camping trip.

The frog was found on the same trip.

The Atlantic Ocean.

My son loves tigers!

My daughter adores dolphins!

My family!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

BFS # 121 - Obey Your Thirst (Sprite)

Memory Verse: Psalm 69:21 They put poison in my food; in my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink.

Introduction: Obey Your Thirst (Sprite) In this Psalm, terrible things are plaguing David. He’s seeking the Lord, as he has that sinking feeling, that desperate thing of alienation and abandonment… and they try to poison him and give him vinegar - GROSS! How Vile! Sometimes when we’re sick, we have that sinking desperate feeling, we call out to God, we call out for healing.

Assignment: Tell us the most vile “remedy” you’ve ever had to consume in order to be rid of that “plague”. Was it something prescribed by a Medical Doctor? or was it an herbal remedy? We all know that Buckley’s commercial, it tastes awful, but it works. Would you take this remedy again? Did it work? Can you get your children to take it?

When I was about 7 years old, I had a terribly upset stomach. My mother gave me Peptobismal to help settle it and it tasted so bad, it made me vomit! I've never taken it again and never given it to my children.

The worst tasting stuff I've ever had was given to me in the hospital before my c-sections. It was bad enough the first time I had it but with my second baby I had to take it twice! It has to be taken a certain length of time before going into surgery. The nurse gave it to me and then there was a delay in taking me to surgery because of an emergency c-section being done so I had to take it again! YUCK!

Friday, February 6, 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days

I saw on a friend's blog that she has been doing this for over a year now. It looks like fun so I'm going to be participating.

The goal is to list 101 things that you want to complete in the next 1001 days (2 3/4 years). The long time frame is to help get some big projects completed.

Personal - Spiritual
1. Read the Bible each year [0/2]
2. Memorize at least one verse/passage a month for a year. [0/12]
3. Create a Bible study notebook
4. Update my Prayer Journal monthly [1/34]
5. Study the book of Revelations
6. Buy new Bibles and Bible covers for each member of the family [0/4]
7. Set up a quiet spot in which to read my Bible and pray each day

Personal – Health
8. Exercise 3 times a week for a year [0/52]
9. Be able to stretch to my toes again
10. Get back down to my wedding weight
11. Bake our own bread
12. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day for 30 days [0/30]
13. Include veggies in the dinner menu each night for a month (35 days)
14. Try a new whole foods recipe every 3 months [0/11]
15. Plant a garden and preserve our produce each summer [0/3]
16. Save for and purchase a quarter or half of buffalo
17. Keep my BG levels within normal limits for 3 months [0/3]

Personal - Intellectual
18. Read 4 classics I haven’t read before [0/4]
19. Read through The Original Homeschool Series [0/6]
20. Learn to play the piano (my goal is to be able to play from a hymnal but I’m not sure I can do that within the time limit)
21. Attend an adoption seminar
22. Attend a homeschool convention
23. Compile a “reading wishlist”

Personal - Creative
24. Set up a craft binder.
25. Scrapbook 70 pages in one year [1/70]
26. Make birthday cards for my family
27. Make or buy a nativity Advent calendar
28. Buy a new sewing machine – and use it to make at least 1 jumper, dress, or skirt for myself
29. Finish one WIP project each year. [0/2]
30. Make baby afghans for each of my daughters (son’s future wife counts) [0/2]
31. Keep a journal of this list of 101 things and what was done for each
32. Make Hot-pad-a-month baskets for daughter and myself [0/24]
33. Start a blog
34. Finish my great-grandmother’s quilt

35. Set up an emergency pack
36. Have family portraits taken
37. Make a will
38. Complete at least one adoption (hoping for two in the next three years)
39. Celebrate Sukkot and Pesach
40. Make something special for each of my children – a letter, journal, etc. – that lets them know how special they are to me and how much I love them.
41. Print the backlog of photos that are on the computer
42. Do something fun with each children 2 times a week for six months [0/52]
43. Celebrate daughter’s “graduation” from homeschooling
44. Keep a Commonplace book and add to it at least once a month [0/34]
45. Do two Freezer Stock Up sessions [0/2]
46. Start saving for a family or couple vacation
47. Make a hot breakfast for my family in the winter (one month each winter) [0/3]
48. Have a Family Fun Night each week for a year [0/52]
49. Have a Date Night each month [0/12]
50. Check the children’s chores each day for a month [0/31]
51. Reorganize my homeschool binder

52. Set up a craft area
53. Declutter the homeschool room and our bedroom
54. Maintain a company-ready home for 60 days [0/60]
55. Paint the kitchen
56. Paint the living room
57. Paint the bathroom
58. Paint the homeschool room
59. Paint our bedroom
60. Paint daughter’s bedroom
61. Paint son’s bedroom
62. Paint hallway
63. Paint exterior of house
64. Have a weekly Sabbath dinner [0/19]
65. Create a “Sabbath” basket for games, books etc to be used on the Sabbath only.
66. Clean out the filing cabinet
67. Find a healthy/environmentally-friendly replacement for 2 cleaners [0/2]
68. Make a new 101 in 1001 list (last 60 days).
69. Keep a list of lunch menus and keep those items on hand (30 days) [0/30]
70. Review our list of goals each month [0/34]
71. Replace tub faucet
72. Replace mini-blinds in the living room (possibly with Roman shades)
73. Put a storm door on the front of the house
74. Get house home study ready
75. Plant flowers in the new flower beds
76. Add Dutch boy and girl to the garden – make sure we can remove them if we move but prevent them from being stolen
77. Buy deadbolts for both doors [0/2]
78. Sort and organize our books

79. Find natural make-up and buy at least 1 product
80. Find a natural moisturizer
81. Try out a new hairstyle
82. Create a list of big items that we want to buy (ex. Bosch mixer)
83. Stick to my schedule on 5 different occasions [0/5]
84. Buy some perfume for myself
85. Go berry-picking
86. Spend a weekend in a cabin on the lake
87. Take the children camping
88. Go on a picnic
89. Go to the creation science museum

90. Find a way to bless my husband each day for a month [0/30]
91. Send small gifts to niece for holidays
92. Help C family move into their new home
93. Make a week’s worth of dinners for C family when they are moving
94. Make cookie plates for the neighbors for Christmas
95. Donate our unwanted clothing
96. Make a CD of Beatrix Potter stories for niece

97. Find a hypo-allergenic shampoo for the dogs
98. Keep pets up-to-date on their vaccinations
99. Get rabbit barn back down to size and maintain the population
100. Purchase a tattoo pen for the barn
101. Rearrange cats’ area so that it makes more sense